miauu's Align Slice Mod Gizmo to 3 points
miauu's Align Slice Mod Gizmo to 3 points allows you to pick 3 points in the scene.
The slice gizmo of the slice modifier of the selected object will be aligned to the picked points.
When you run the script the SNAP will be automatically turned ON.
If the Shift key is pressed when you run the script the Slice plane will be aligned to the currently active grid. Works best if the script is ran from a toolbar button.
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Autodesk® 3ds Max® and 3ds Max Design® 2009 and above
How to install: Run the .mcr/.ms script, or drag and drop it onto your 3ds max viewport. Go to Customize - Customize User Interface, and you will find the script in category "miauu".
2.59 KB
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